My first messy blog

I have never blogged before …. any advice would be great . Please be patient with me as I learn .

My reason for wanting a blog is simply because I have so much going on in my life . Some of which I feel I can’t open up to friends and family about .

My life feels like it’s one big mess all the time lol . I have always heard your 20s were messy so I guess this is the norm .

I am a single mom of 2 amazing kids . Honestly I have no idea what I am doing half the time .

I have never been married but I feel as I have went through 2 divorces and I am not even 30 .

I am hoping that blogging will reals stress and allow me to meet others for advice !

2 thoughts on “My first messy blog”

  1. Welcome to WordPress!!
    The first suggestion I would make is to fill out your about me page. It’s a great place to give your followers a chance to get to know you and for you to outline where you plan to take your blog.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Liked by 1 person

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